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Nails, Nails, Nails

I haven't done fake nails in a LONG time, I mean LONG!! It's been at least 3 years, and even then I always used acrylic nails. This Saturday I decided to give press on nails a chance, I figured I would only be out for a few hours & I could give these a good trial run then.

The nails I decided to try are:
I received these nails in one of the My Pretty Pink boxes a few months back. Here's what they looked like on me. I have to admit that there were some bubbles, but this is pretty easy to prevent if you follow the directions carefully.

For me the nails did they're job & lasted for 2 days, I soaked them off after that. I'm sorry I just can't do the fake nail thing anymore, just not me. I will be using these nails again for special occasions though. It's a quick fix & it lets you go about your getting ready routine, unlike when you paint your nails & you have to wait for them to dry before you can do anything.

My Love Vanessa sent me a thank you gift for sending her a b-day *note Vanessa texted me as I was writing this entry, it's like she KNEW LOL*

MAC Baby Girl Goth Nail Lacquer & Johnson's Melt Away Stress Lotion
I've never tried this lotion before & I don't know why. I adore it! It has such a soft pretty smell & I can see how it melts away the stress!! It's such a relaxing smell.This MAC polish is a crazy color!! The color looks completely different depending on the lighting. In some lighting it looks exactly like the bottle above, in other lighting it seems to have bronze/burgundy chips on paint inside of the polish. I've also noticed that this color can also look like OPI Lincoln Park After Dark, but prettier. I really don't know how to explain the color too well, but it is love!!!

I tried to capture the other flecks of color in this polish, but it just didn't show up so you have to take my word for it. =P

Thank you Vanessa!!! <3>


  1. Love love love the nail colour and those tips seem to work well!

  2. I was thinking about getting that MAC polish. But I have such a love hate relationship with them. Is like 5 minutes after putting it on, it chips.

  3. *sigh* I haven't done my nails in a while! They're bare right now and are breaking >.< *winces* But love that nail colour from MAC. I've been hearing mixed reviews about it

  4. vanessa the sweetie..that np color is gorgeous!!

  5. Haha you and me both took off the nails after a couple days! But I do have to say it was one of the nicer fake ones out there. It's the length that's my prob. LOL!

    Oooh Van sent you a great polish! Isn't she soo SWEET!! And that lotion is love!!

  6. Yay for the tips! I love using them for special days!!

    LOVE the nail color!

  7. Thank you for all of your comments ladies!!

    This color is great & so far no chipping..yay!!

  8. I'm not a fake nail person anymore either but I agree they are good for a quick alternative to painting your nails. Aww Van is the sweetest! That polish is totally gorgeous!!

  9. yay! it looks good on you! i love it!!! <333

  10. Isn't she too cute?! Sending a gift for sending her a gift! LoL

    That color is TO DIE FOR! I love it. I'm on the hunt for a CG dupe.


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