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Product Review Almay Pure Blends Foundation & more randomness

Product Review Almay Pure Blend Foundation

-Natural, lightweight, fragrance-free makeup

-Paraben free; talc free

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I received this foundation in a swap with Mel. Well I've tested this product out for a few weeks now and I absolutely LOVE it!! In my opinion this feels a bit more like a tinted moisturizer, the consistency is a bit runny.

When you rub this into your skin it gives you a very sheer coverage.


-Affordable, easy to purchase since it is sold at most drugstores.

-Does not cause any skin irritations since it paraben & talc free.

-Provides a nice sheer coverage.

-Lasts all day!!

-Does not contribute to my skin's oiliness.


-I think this has displayed some false advertising, this does not give you enough coverage to be considered a foundation.

-The way the product is dispensed can make things a bit messy.

-When I was at Walgreens the other day I noticed that some of the darker colors seem to be on clearance. =(


I would definitely buy this again. In my opinion this is a great foundation for the summer and for days where you want to look put together without a ton of makeup.

4.5 out of 5.


Look what's coming to my local mall!! Yay!!

I know a lot of you ladies like food porn so I thought I would share some with you. On Monday night we went out and decided to 'live it up' and eat a steak dinner. The place we went to was called Arthurs Tavern its not a fancy place, but the food was absolutely delicious!!

I ordered the petite sirloin & shrimp.

I cleaned my plate!!! I never clean my plate!! This food was delish!!! The picture makes the steak look burnt, but it's not! I swear!!
Guess what else..?? The prices are pretty affordable too!! I ordered the above & the guys each ordered 24oz steaks & 2 pitchers of beer - the total tab was $100!! Wow!!
What's your favorite foundation..??? How do you like your steak..?? (random ? yes, but I wanna know..haha!!) I like my steak medium well, seeing too much pink scares


  1. I hadn't found my HG Foundation yet....but I have tried that Almay & it's ok for me....& my steak should be well done....may I ask what mall & state is that???

  2. I'm so glad you like the foundation-you're right- totally a tinted moisturizer!

    I like my steaks medium, not stirred. LoL (such a dork!)

  3. I always wondered about this foundie. The whole white to color thing. LOL!! But it is very runny!

    Yay for SANRIO!! And it looks like a big one! :) MMmm... Shrimp... And steak!! MED WELL for me pls! :)

  4. I like my steaks between rare and medium rare!! Come to Japan where we eat raw meat!! LOL


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