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FabFitFun Spring Box 🌼 #fabfitfun #unboxing #subscriptionbox

Urban LOTD's/No Buy Progress Update

I've had the Urban Decay Book of Shadows for a while now, but I've been neglecting it. =(

For the past 2 days I've decided to use it. I love this palette!! The colors are so vibrant & pretty.

Monday - EOTD - I'm saying EOTD because most of my face makeup has already melted off by the time I had managed to take this

-Gridlock is all over the lid & as a highlight.
-Smog was used on the outer corner & crease.
-Roach was used on the outer V.
-Wet N Wild Gel Liner in Black
-L'oreal Collagen Mascara in Black

Tuesday - LOTD


Almay Foundation
MAC Studio Fix Concealer
MAC MSF Natural in Medium/Deep
MAC Highlight in Golden Nectar

-Baked all over the lid.
-Absinthe on the outer V.
-Gridlock used in the crease up to the brow bone.
-L'oreal Collagen Mascara in Black

NYX Round Lipstick in Perfect

As some of you may know I have refrained myself from buying anything makeup related since the summer started, so far it's been about a month and a half. I've also restrained BIG tome from most hair & skin care purchases. Shockingly I haven't really finished many makeup related items. =( That just proves I have too much..haha!!

Products I have finished so far are:

-2 Labello Lipbalms in Milk & Honey

- 1 Acne Free Toner

-1 Lash Stiletto Mascara

-1 Mandom Makeup Remover

-1 Sebastian Hairspray

-1 Bliss Face Lotion

-1 H.I.P. Black Gel Liner

I think that's it so disappointing!! I think it could have a lot to do with the fact that because it's so HOT I've been wearing very minimal makeup - concealer, powder, mascara, chapstick & DONE! I can't believe I haven't even finished a lip gloss!!!

Confession Time: I've never hit pan. EVER. EVER!!!! WTH?!? Boo!! It's my goal to hit pan on at least 3 products this predictions are that it will be my MAC MSF, MAC eyeshadow in All That Glitters, & MAC Highlight in Golden Nectar. These are my current favs as of right now and have been for a while.

What products have you hit pan on..??? Have you ever hit pan..?? Come can tell me..hehe!!


  1. I slightly hit pan on a highlighter colour from a palette - too lazy to pull out the pigment, so I used it everyday to highlight :-) Other shadows? Probably never hit pan

  2. I've hit pan on satin taupe eye shadow this year first time EVER)! I go through lipsticks and lipglasses like no tomorrow though, I've been through 3 angels, 3 underages, and 2 politely pinks. (lippie bandit) Andddd I think you should do a lavender LOTD. :)

  3. lol how weird! i was planning to make a post on hitting on the pan soon! haha but good job on the no buy! i can't do a no buy cold turkey! but i've really cut down since i came back from vacation almost 2 months ago!

  4. I've hit pan on my pressed powder, on two eyeshadow palettes (after having them for like 2 years), a blush and a bronzer... But after I started blogging, I have way too much stuff!

    I want to join you in your no-buy, and refrain from buying any skin/hair products that I have multiples of!!!

  5. I've hit pan on plenty of items actually lol. I've actually hit pan on studio sculpt concealer and MAC black track fluid line (just to name a few) your eyes look gorgeous and thanks for the lovely comment! :)

  6. ooo so pretty! the 2nd one is my fave :) that palette is too pretty..
    and SHUT UP! you've never hit the pan?! that means you have too much makeup lol! ive hit the man on a bagillion studiofixs couple of e/s but hmm never a blush

  7. i love this palette so much! i will stand by UD e/s anyday... not all...but most lol

    very pretty looks! i love Tuesdays Eyes! love the green!

    you always look so tan! lol lucky! when im out in the sun, i just look dark lol not a glow like you!

  8. Smog is such a great shade - fairly close to my trusty Soba for work :)

    good job on the no buy! I've been buying things here and there, but I've been too lazy to really blog about it, haha

    I've hit pan on plenty of stuff in the past (foundations, loose powder, eyeshadows) but this year I've only hit pan on an eyeshadow and a pressed powder - everything else is intact because I have so many more options!

  9. The UD palette is amazing! Is that the book of shadows?

  10. Perricone MD - AshleyAugust 6, 2009 at 3:29 PM

    Great color schemes, love it!

  11. Very pretty for both days!! Lovin the Tues look with the greens and golds!! :)

    I finally finished my first MANDOM too!!! LOL! Good thing you generous souls gave me extra for my Bday! :) I've hit pan on e/s. But most have been from HS! LOL! But lip balms I go through like nothing! And I did finish off a NARS Orgasm. I'm on my second one now! LOL!

    My no buy is going good. I think it helped that you were all soo generous to me on my bday! LOL! Though I did order my usual MPPBs but I don't count those, cuz they're a monthy necessity! LOL!

  12. headband is super cute? where did you get it? :)

  13. hey girlllll, quelo que?

    s'been a hot minute since i left somethin on ya page. i actually have to do it on the MAC comp cuz on the PIC it warns me and tells me not to proceed to your site cuz it has malware? DA HELL?

    anyway, i hit the pan with "SIN" on my ammo UD palette. and what the hell is this palette?! didnt even know there was a BOOK? u knw i love UD eyeshadows! i use it the most!

    i need to keep using my stuff more generously, i have too much MU accumulating!

    im onto skin care and utensils!



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