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Milani Blur Out Skin Tint


The Girl with the Flowers in Her Hair

Hi Ladies!!

A little while back Neeyuh was selling these beautiful handmade flowers & I needed to have some.

Here's what I bought
I love that these flowers are bendable & I'm able to wear them with the flowers sticking up or flat against my head.

Here are a few ways these flowers can be worn.
*Please excuse the messy hair, I was just trying to give you a general idea of how these could be worn.

Neeyuh's store is currently closed, but I hope sometime in the future that she will reopen her store.
I hope you had a great weekend!!


  1. You look beautiful with them! Those are all the rage here in Hawaii. Well those fabric ones, and the foam flowers. Cuz you know in Hawaii everyone has to wear flowers in their hair and behind their ears!! Trust me! LOL!

  2. those are so cute! i really like the pastel LVish flower :)

  3. You should go visit Wuzzy ASAP with these in your hair lol. I love the three on top of your bun! And if that's your hair messy-you don't want to see mine messy. :p

  4. Those flowers looks pretty on you!! So cute!! :D


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