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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Swappy Swap / Girl's Night Out Look

For a little while now Mel from Fabulously Thrifty & I have been trying to set up a swap...well the swap finally happened last week!!! YAY!! Look at all of the goodies she sent me!! For someone that 'doesn't know makeup that well' she did a GREAT job picking out things for me!! I mean AMAZING!!

Pigments she sent me...these colors are gorgeous!!

You see that Almay foundation there..?? You see..?? Take a good look...that right there is my new LOVE!!! Somehow, someway..Mel picked out the PERFECT color for me! I can't pick out the right color for MYSELF. Damn she is good!! This stuff feels like a cross between a tinted moisturizer & a medium coverage foundation. L.O.V.E.!!

You see that gel liner..?? That MAC blush (Hipness)..?? That Wet N Wild Eyeshadow palette...??? Freaking love!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously I've been wearing the Almay foundation, MAC blush, Wet N Wild eyeshadow palette & gel liner since I received it!! I TRULY think you ladies need to stop sleeping on Wet N Wild...these eyeshadows are great!! They are perfect for a neutral look.

*gasp* I am so excited to try these Sally Hansen foot products....the foot mask especially!
Mel thank you so much!! This was a GREAT swap!!
This video is for Vickie who requested that I show her how I did my eyes for the Pow Wow. btw--you all should check out her blog, because she is total hawtness!!! She will be launching her clothing site very soon. Check her out! =)


Don't forget to wish Mel from a Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!


  1. LOL! Lifestyle blogs, beauty blogs, its all good right?! I see you did the vid for Vicks. awesome!!!! That was one crazy night!

  2. Dang woman you got a ton of great stuff!! It's magic, that's how she picked your perfect shade! LOL!

    You looked all HAWT PowWow nite!! Great tut!! Sexy sexy sexy!!

  3. hey chica! not sleeping on WnW at all! alot of the lines are reformulating products to compete and they are getting better! glad you loved your stuff!

  4. hehe.. look at all the goodies! love love =)


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