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Blogga Meetup/ My look for the EC Pow Wow

I can finally say that I've hung out with some bloggers..finally!!!! YAY!!!

The first two beautiful blogger ladies I had the chance to hang out with were Mel & Nu. Have you ever meet someone and felt like you had known them for a long time..?? That's how I felt when I meet these ladies. They are both amazingly sweet & gorgeous!! I had such a great time hanging out with you ladies!!!

We meet up at Mitsuwa where Mel introduced me to ramen (yum!!!). I know with how many times I've been to Mitsuwa I've never had ramen.. =( I didn't know what was 'good' so Mel helped me out. Thank you!!!! She also introduced me to Hi-Chew (I think that's what it's called)..yummy!!!! I think Mel's trying to make me a fattie...haha!!!

Nu & I bonded over our men being chefs..hehe!! We are so going to double date!! Let them talk about all the foodie stuff while we discuss the important things in life like makeup & shoes..haha!!

We also headed over to The Face Shop in Palisades Park & picked up a few goodies!!

Mel & Nu showing their hauls!

Here's what I hauled for myself. I did pick up a few more things, but those goodies were for other blogger ladies so you don't get to see a picture of that. =P

It was great meeting you ladies!! I can't wait to see you again! =)


Our blogger meetup was the same day as the EC Pow Wow so after our shopping trip I went home to start getting ready..

Here's my look..

You can't tell from this pic, but most of my back was showing in this dress & it showed off some of my tattoos...very NJ trash..haha!!!

My makeup look..

The face paint I used to create the look..


-Bobbi Brown Concealer in Honey

-Revlon Color Stay Foundation in Rich Tan

-E.L.F. Blush/Bronzer Duo

-MAC Highlight Powder in Golden Nectar



-MAC Solar Bits in Impassioned

-MAC Eyeshadows in All That Glitters, Sketch, Satin Taupe, & Star Violet

-L'oreal Mascara Collagen in Blackest Black


-MAC Honey Salve

-MAC HK Lipgloss in She Loves Candy

Pictures of the EC Pow Wow coming soon!!!

EC Pow Wow ladies..if you have any pictures you can share with me please send them to - my camera was acting up that night & I wasn't able to take as many pictures as I would have liked too.


  1. haha.. nice!! u were smoking hot pow wow night! thank u so much for driving me around!! yes i felt like we've known each other and i can't wait to see you again!! u're such a down-to-earth girl and so glad we finally were able to hang out! love ya girl! =D

  2. Awww you ladies look like had a great meet-up!! So jelly!! And WHOOOOOO Sexy Mami!! Dang Tammy hoochified looks good on you! LOL!

    Seriously looking HAWT!!! Can't wait for more pics of the PowWow!

  3. u look so pretty...not trashy at all :D

  4. you look so cuuute! =] glad you had fun meeting other blogger girls! wish i could meet more too!

  5. haha i know how it feels when u just meet someone but u feel like u hv known them long time ago ! glad u had so much fun and grrr jealous !hahha
    hey i didnt know e.l.f blush works really good !:)

  6. Sure, no problem =)

    Love the tea tree and bergamot mask! It smells so good, but not overpowering.

  7. Looks like you had fun at your meet up :)

  8. OMG how lucky are you! I am happy to say I got to meet Mel as well - how fun that she came up there!

    Now where is the back of the dress - I wanna see those tats! I bet they are HOT cause you looked amazing!

  9. *GASP*

    STUNNING!!!!!!!! OMG I am oggling you!! LOL

  10. can't wait to see more pics!! you looked super sexy!!!
    i also got the stuff in the mail a couple days ago! i was out of town, so i couldn't notify you sooner. but thank you for the extras!!

  11. hey sweety .. it was great meeting you again! ;] i am going to send you my pictures from friday. oh,i see you got the Egyptian Magic .. ugggh i need to really need to update my skincare for acne/oily skin! so, i have some products in mind for you .. we hope you'll like them and i'll let you know before we sent them out =]

  12. hey.. when was this? i really love to meet all the girls here in blogger.. let me know if there's a part 2..

  13. Holy shit your look for the pow wow is smoking! I think I am going to have to steal you away from your chef! haha And wow do I look... Interesting to say the least!!! haha It was sooo much fun hanging out with you, you are so down to earth and rocking girl! Text it up! xo

  14. Thank you for all of your sweet comments ladies!!!! <3

  15. aww dang everyone gets to meet eachother! lol

    I love your look-so gorgeous hun!

  16. tammy, excuse me! where is my jacket to throw over your shoulders?!! my sweet tammy in glasses and a bow in her hair and now you look all grown up, like the school girl that broke out into a sexy bombshell! did i over look what 'EC' is? aww i wanna come! lol

  17. aww, hoochie dress or not, you looked great that night! definitely wish that I'd had more time to talk after dinner, but maybe we can meet up again...face shop in jersey you say...I gotta check that out!

  18. choa!!! you look so hott! made me look twice! lol


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