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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

I Feel the Love!!

It's the little things that count...
I've been blogging for over a year now, and I am still amazed at the kind words/gestures that you ladies constantly send my way. Thank you ladies!!

Just a little while ago I commented on Old Cow's (haha)blog about a tote she had made...I was hoping that she would SELL it to me, instead she surprised me & sent me it my way for FREE.
Look at how cute this bag is!!!! I swear it should just have my name written all over ladies know how much I love to read. The note she included said "I must have it now!" LOL

Up close..
Thank you Yasumi!! <3>
My drunk texting buddy Van also sent some love my way..

-Nature Handmade Soap in Cool Scrub - I dunno if you ladies know this, but at any given time my shower has at least 5 different's an addiction. I love this one!! So refreshing..feels like my pores are open after I use this!!
-BioShine Silk Polish
-Clarins Total Lift
-Avon Lippie in Darling Pink

Thank you Van!!!! <3 align="left">
If you took a peek at my blog sale then you know that I am currently on a no buy..the last makeup related item I bought was 2 weeks ago.. *gasp* Surprisingly my life has been so busy I've barely noticed... yay!!!

Here's what I bought 2 weeks ago from a blog sale.
-Coastal Scents Neutral Palette
-Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick
-Benefit Blush in Georgia
-Benefit Lemon Aid

Spread eagle!!!
So far I've only really used the neutral palette..I'm really liking it!!!

That's all for now ladies!! Any plans for the weekend..???
I'm going to the East Coast Pow Wow!! YAY!! I finally get to meet some blogga babes!!


  1. yayyy nice haul! =] it's taking all of me to not buy from blog saless LOL

  2. Yasumi is LOVE!! Awww she's so sweet! And yes it was made for your bookworm self! LOL!

    Van is one of bestest too!! She always sends great love!!

    And great blog sale picks!! I'm on a no buy too. Unless I have a GC then that's okay! LOL!

    Have fun at the PowWow!! :) Take lots of pics!

  3. that was so nice of her..girl u totally deserve it..u are just as sweet :D

  4. Tammy! You are one of the sweetest bloggers aout there and I feel happy that I can call you my blogger buddy. This is my pleasure xxx

  5. ahhh >_< lol
    ahh so YOUR the one who got the georgia blush ehh?? lucky bitch!
    thats why i heart you so!

  6. its POW WOW time! long island girls aren't glorified skanks...they just are skanks...LOL! I'm gonna get in trouble for that! Can't wait to meet you! I'll be the glorified looking skank!

  7. Ohhhhh Yasumi sent you that bag!! It's super cute!! I love it. Also love the matching stickers she has, hehe. Aww super sweet! Everyone's so loving. =)

  8. aww, that bag from Yasumi is perfect for you :)


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Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
~Mother Teresa~

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