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CoverGirl Yummy Plumper Gloss Swatches #lipplumper #lipgloss #swatches #giftedbycovergirl

Do the Humpty Hump!!

Here's a quick video I made for Shellsxfabxfinds to give her a suggestion as to what type of makeup look to do for her birthday.


How long do you give a book you're reading till it gets interesting..? The book I'm reading Perfect Fifths still hasn't picked up after 60 pages...bleh!! I know I'll finish it though since it's the last book in the series.

Hope you're having a Happy Hump Day!!


  1. This is a great "tropical feel" look Tammy! Love these bright colors on you! I don't think I've ever seen you go that bright before!! Great job!

    I usually read the whole book. Only cuz you never know exactly "when" it's gonna get interesting if it's not right off the bat.

    And if it is really interesting to me I usually finish it in one night! LOL! I did that with the Harry Potters... HA! Those were some long ass nights for me!

  2. lol, I'm glad we don't live near enough to hear you scowl me in person =P haha when I get my own place it will be better..I promise..? lol


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