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Blogga Lovin & Cibu Contest - Picture Heavy

Blogga ladies have the best timing EVER!! Saturday when I got home I was all upset about the car problems and there's a package from Wuz!! She sent me a replacement for my cell phone charm that broke. =) And some Hurricane Popcorn of course!!!!!!!! Thanks Wuz!!

Then on Monday I received a love pack from Linea!! (again I was having a bad day) I'm being spoiled!!!
Here's the note she included. So sweet!! Look how pretty the stationary is! Apparently I have a thing for stationary now..haha!

The goodies! Physician's Formula Blush in Rosey Glow, Elf Shine Eraser, NYX pigment, Funky Fingers Polish in Pretty as a Portrait, & Elf chapstick.

I've been DYING for this blush!!! Every time I go into a store I'm never able to find this color!! Look how pretty!!

Swatches!!!! The darkest color is on the left and the lightest on the right.

Thank you Linea!!! <3


So I'm not sure if you've heard, but Jenn from Cibu is currently having a contest. Grand prize is the entire Spring Roll hair care line & a hair diffuser. I want!!! To enter the contest you had to give your best curly hair tips or demonstrate a curly hair technique (styling your hair or curling it). Here's my entry:

My hair right after curling. This is before I separated the curls.

The end result.

Me being silly with my Cibu Products!


Before I did the Cibu contest video I decided to get into the Spring Roll mood by doing my makeup in the same colors as the Spring Roll line. Ready for more of my camera whoring pics..?? Here it goes!!

That's all for now ladies!! <3


  1. Your HAIR looks sooooo preeeeety!! I just cant stop looking at it!! and the blush looks great.

  2. Your hair looks s0o gorgeous! I wish my hair looked that shiny and sparkly.

  3. wow i love the make up.. blue is amazing!. & the hair is great.. :) .. good luck .

  4. that hair style is freakin awsome! & the curlz are perfect! <3 good luck!

  5. Wow Linea sent you goodies! :)

    ANd great vid Tammy! Your curls came out perfect! I love your style with the tuckin & flower! ANd the FOTD is gorgeous! Matches your bright shirt!

    Ha! You have more willpower then me! LOL! I don't think I'd be able to go into a Mitsuwa's w/o buying anything! LOL! When I do finally get to one, I'd prob go broke! LOL!

  6. your hair looks great
    so shiny and healthy!

  7. the blush looks really pretty...i love your hair! it looks so pretty in that hairdo, especially with the fascinator piece :)


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