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Video Friday

Morning!!!!!!! I've retreated a bit this week....sorry!!! I have been keeping up with my You Tube subscriptions though!! Here are some of the videos I'm loving right now.

Cibu17-- Jenn from Cibu - I love this woman!!!!!!!! Every time I watch her videos I want to cut my hair like hers. Not to mention the fact that every time I watch her videos I want to buy everything she uses. LOL She seriously comes up with some great hairstyles, I wish I could work that well in the morning. =)

Natneagle-- Nat - Come on you know Nat right..???? I swear it feels like I do!! LOL She keeps it so real in her videos it's hard not to feel like you KNOW her. I love her Week in 10 videos, she's always coming up with great ideas.

ManWomanFilm--I have no idea what her name is, but she is so funny!!! She doesn't speak in her videos, but the faces she! lol.. It's like part pop video, part makeup application. Must watch!!

RissRose2-- Marissa - This seriously made my day!! She's back!!!!!!!!!! I freaking love her videos!! She's stunning & so damn funny!!

JudeRivera-- Judy - She's back too!!! This woman is a video making MACHINE!!! Her looks are always so amazing & she explains them in a way that make them easy to mimic!! Love her!!

Whose videos do you love watching..???


  1. awwwww.. thank you for posting my video on your blog!!

  2. It seems like all I do lately is watch youtube vids lol. My favs right now are petrilude and kandeejohnson she's a mua and gives lots of great tips i watch her vids like everyday. Ohh and gregorygorgeous he is adorable and sooo funny!

  3. thanks for stopping by my blog and suggesting the girls night out set from benefit. i'm happy it includes skinny jeans. i would love to have that color too. my mom would love the retro magnets. i set that includes something for everyone. you can't beat that. hehe... :D

    i gotta check out those videos you included on your post. i love watching makeup vids on youtube. now i have more videos to see courtesy of your post. thank you very much. take care. :D

  4. oops. sorry to flood the comment spot. i meant girls night in. my bad.

  5. That's a lot of vids for a Friday! LOL! I'm gonna check out some of them now! :)


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