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BFF's Wedding Day

Good Morning!!!!! Yay!! I'm finally updating!! My USB cord for my camera is acting up & wasn't letting me upload these pics, I finally got it to work today! YAY!!!!

Warning: This entry is more on a personal level then on a makeup level!!!! If you're not interested in the personal side stop reading after the 3rd picture. ;)

So the bff & her long time hubby tied the knot this past Saturday!! YAY!! They really are such a great couple & I know their love will last lifetimes!!!

OK enough with the mushy stuff!!! hehe!! The morning of her wedding day we decided to do all the girly things-mani/pedi, hair done did, & makeup done at MAC. I have to say I LOVED my MAC MUA, I mean LOVED!!!!!!!! She had such a great personality & I felt like she did exactly what I asked for...and guess what..?? She didn't try to sell me a DAMN thing!!! Of course I bought some stuff

Here's the finished result of the hair & makeup (before the dress).

The two main eyeshadow colors she used were All That Glitters & Embarked. Look who has falsies on!!! ;)

What I bought..

The empty box is for a lustreglass, Studio Sculpt concealer in NW 30, Studio Sculpt foundation in NC42. I'll tell you why the lustreglass is missing in my next post. ;)

On to the wedding pictures!!!! I'm not able to post all of the pictures, many are quite incriminating...& not for myself!! lol

The newlyweds!!!!!!!!!!! So freakin adorable!!

The ladies of the wedding party.

All the ladies wanted to dance with the groom. =P

The dancing/drinking machines!!!

That's all for now!!! Sorry I couldn't share more, but I don't want to get people in


  1. awwww how cute!! bff's wedding day :DD i can't wait for those days to roll around, hahaa. your makeup looks great!

  2. awww looking lovely

    weddings are the best =]
    i love the all white & red; the gowns are all Gorgeous xoxoxox

  3. You looked great tammy! The MUA did a wonderful job!!

    And your friends look soo happy!! I love weddings!! Everyone gets dusted with happy thoughts! :)

  4. awwww fabulous

    btw ur hair is gorgeous in that pic

  5. You look so pretty! Those colors are perfect for you.

    Congrats to the newlyweds :)

  6. omg babe you look SO BEAUTIFUL!!! hope it was fun!

  7. Aww you look stunning! Looks like it was a lot of fun, congrats to your bff!!

  8. u look so beautiful tammy..I love ur makeup and hair do looks like u had lots of fun :D

  9. Wow you are gorgeous Tammy, as is everyone!


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