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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Worship at the House of Blues Jewelry

Worship at the House of Blues Jewelry by Yasumi/Glow

Buy your jewelry here:


  1. you like Twilight too? I had no idea...yay for Twilight and MAC lovers
    Thanks for following :-)

  2. omg how fabulous is that!!!
    and her first customer too!!!
    congrats on a "glow OG"
    I reallly need to get me hands on one of her gawdy baubles before YOU snatch them all up missy!!!

    ahhahahah -- loved your video, it's always great to see girls hauling their swaps and watching their excitment! ^_^

  3. i can't wait till the necklace i ordered from yasumi to get here ;D

  4. I love the hubby's little cameo & Dom running down the room!!

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Your expression when you opened it!! haha.... Vid truely is the way to go on these things!!

    Awww Yasumi is soo sweet!! And the necklace looks great on ya!!

  5. It looks gorgeous on you!! I love those nails as well.

    You match your colours together so well Tammyx

    Thank you for this!!! Thank you soooo much!!

  6. So YOU got the birds necklace!! Fantastic!

  7. GORGEOUSSSSSSSSS! I love the clasp, what a nice touch!!!!!!!!!!! And Yasumi knows PEARLS are mah thang too... details, details, details. And arent'choo tha best for supportin' her art!!! You look great with it on!


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~Mother Teresa~

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