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St. Patty's Day Fun

Just a quick peek at my look for St. Patty's Day. I actually did 2 looks-a simple green/white one for the day & an orange/green one for the night. Unfortunately the green/white came out a lot nicer than the orange/green, but I only have pictures of the orange/green. =(
btw--I have no idea what colors I used for my eyes...all of the colors are from a large eyeshadow pallet I have.

I didn't have time to blend properly, but I love how the colors pops.
This was supposed to be a bow tie, but I decided it looked better as a hair bow. =P

The hubby & I.

We went to a REAL Irish bar and they even had a guy playing the bagpipes & all of the bartenders were wearing

What did you do on St. Patty's/Paddy's Day..?


  1. Aww I love the green look! You & the hubby are really cute too.

    I didn't do anything for St. Patty's except wear a green sweater LOL. I was feeling really under the weather yesterday, so after work I stayed home.

    Thanks for the comment about the Lush kit you bought. I guess it's good I didn't buy it. I still want that Mask of Magnaminty though. The beauty diet is where it's at!

  2. Very festive!! I love the bow tie/hair bow!! And those color DO pop!! :)

    So cute you and the hubby!! Bagpipes in an Irish bar!! WHooot!!

    Bf was off, so we stayed home. He made corned beef & saurkraut. Nothing special! LOL!

  3. so cute
    i love the bow tie as an hairclip!

    i didnt do anything except unpacking yesterday [saddd]

  4. awww how cute! the bow tie looks great as a hair bow!

  5. ooooh that green is BRIGHT! i'm lovin it. I didn't do anything for St. Patty's day. ):
    Deng it, I need to go out with you someday. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun (:

  6. gorgeous! soo sweet u guys hung out on st patricks day n wore greeen


  7. You guys look so great together & your green look turned out so pretty! :)

  8. What a lovely look for St. Patty's! Green is your color and I am with you giiiirrll, I told my BF I NEED this collection and he's like you don't NEED anything! LOL!


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