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Are you a Lush..??

A Lush fan that is!!! It seems to me that a lot of bloggers are raving about how great Lush is lately, and I decided I wanted to try it out for myself. I've been to a few Lush stores in the past, but the smell inside would always overwhelm me and I would leave empty handed. =(

On my most recent trip, I went to a Lush location that was inside of a Macy's, it was a wide open space and therefore I was able to breathe. ;)

I had heard about a deal that Lush was running and I wanted to be able to try the samples that were being advertised.

Picture taken from

All of these goodies for $20!! I had to give it a try!! Since I am such a newbie to this line I needed to ask for help!

The bag they put the goodies in. So cute!! This bag reminds me of the old comic strips. Bam! Pow!! Zap!!

All of the goodies were put into this cute 'take out' box.

A peek at what's inside..

What I ended up getting: 2 Ultra Bland Cleansers, 2 Vitamin E toner tabs, 1 Vanishing Cream, 1 Enzymion Moisturizer, 1 Mask of Magnaminty, 2 Muslin Cloths.

What I think so far:

Ultra Bland Cleanser - This cleanser is definitely better suited for those with dry skin, this felt really thick for my skin type. Even after rinsing SEVERAL times I felt like I had a film of this still on my face. =(

Vitamin E toner tabs - I haven't tried these yet.

Vanishing Cream - I haven't tried these yet

Enzymion Moisturizer - I really like this lotion, I've been using it at night (since it doesn't have any SPF). My face is glowy the mornings after I use this.

Mask of Magnaminty - I love this stuff!!! I've used this 3 times already and I haven't even had it a week yet! This mask is really great for pimples, and I felt like this mask really pulled all of the gunk off of my face. I've even used this as a spot treatment at night. I wouldn't suggest this as a spot treatment during the day, it's GREEN!

Overall I'm liking the Lush products I've bought. The only downfall in my opinion is the smell, I personally feel like a few of these items STINK. The smell does go away once the product is absorbed by your skin. This will not stop me from using the Mask of Magnaminty though, I think this may be HG status.

Have you tried any of these Lush goodies..?? What are your favorite goodies from Lush..?


  1. I feel the urge to jump on the Lush bandwagon too. How are they priced?

  2. Lucky you! I wanted to get this sample kit, but my beauty diet prevents me. If I did, I'd get the Mask of Magnanminty too. I've always wanted to try it since I have acne-prone skin. Yay for Lush!

  3. you need to try angels on bare skin! and some of their body buttahs

  4. I've never tried any of these products or the any of the other facial prodcuts. Only the body stuff.

    LOVE Honey I Washed The Kids soap!! And any of their bath bombs w/o glitter!! Smells soo yummy!! :)

  5. I ♥ LUSH!! A LUSH store just arrived at my mall, but the girls who work there drive me CRAZY!! You can't get any "personal space". I kinda like to read stuff & sniff then maybe ask questions. I haven't really tried the skincare stuff but I love the soaps & bath bombs. My fav is Honey I Washed The Kids! The smell of the store can be overwhelming. The sales associates offer you coffee beans to sniff to "cleanse your sinuses" and it helps with sniffing a lot of stuff!

  6. nice haul - I've yet to try any of their skincare items. I love their BIG shampoo (smells like the beach and really cleans out the buildup in your hair) and the occasional bath/bubble bomb.


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