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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

Simple Burnt Orange Look

Please watch the video to see what I used for this look. =)


  1. Gorgeous! I dont think I could do burnt orange since I have black hair...but it looks perfect on you. :)

  2. You were totally cute in the vid!! The look is soo pretty, it's makes me wanna bust out my orange e/s's now! Ohhh and I was soooo feelin the mary j! =)

  3. gorgeous look..I loved all the faces u made at the camera...

  4. hey!! yep its the one near costco and CENTURY BUFFET! lol.. hey nice looks good on ya!

  5. THIS WAS GREAT!! I love all your little faces in the vid! Especially the "look how pretty I am" ones at the end! LOL!!

    Glad you found a use for the mirror!! :) And was that your HK brush?! :)

    Gotta love multitasking products!!


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