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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

It's my Lucky Day!!

WOW!! I have been pretty lucky lately when it comes to winning contest! I won 2 contests in 1 week!! WHAT??? That never, ever happens to me!! YAY!!

The first contest I won was from the lovely Nicole at I won these Kiss My Face lippies.
Left to Right: Kiss My Face Sheer Organic Shimmer in Pearl & Kiss My Face Sheer Organic Shine in Ruby

The second contest I won was from, which is hosted by the ever imaginative Karen. I won the 2009 Essie Spring Line. Woo-hoo!!  So pretty!!
Speaking of contests...I will be having one very soon.. I just haven't figured out what I'm doing for it yet. I think I made my past contest too easy on your ladies. ;)


  1. Congrats on your winnings!!

    What?! Too easy?! Never!! Can't wait!!

  2. omg the essie polishes look great!

  3. hey girly! if you are interested in some contacts from asia. let me know.

  4. Those Essie colours are LUSH!!

    Well done you with your winning spree!


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~Mother Teresa~

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