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CoverGirl Forever Velvet Pigment Lipsticks #giftedbycovergirl #liquidlipstick #drugstorelipstick

I'm a Sally's Girl Now

The lovely Sofy sent me these goodies!!! She sent them my way because I sent her some NYX lippies, so not necessary, but so sweet!! I did swatch them, but my camera completely washed out those pics. The color pay off on these is great though!!

Sally Girl eyeshadow palettes in Moolah & Lucky Love.Look at how cute these nail polishes are!!!!! The green one is called Pea-body (haha..cute name!!) and the purple one is called Your Majesty. Thank you Sofy!!

This picture has been in my camera for a few weeks now. I came home from work one day and went to put my purse down on the sofa and look who was hiding under some

Happy Tuesday Ladies!!! What are you looking forward to today..?


  1. i have the neutral quad they are real good! thise polishes are cute and aww dom! adorable <3

  2. How totally sweet! Please let me know how you like those quads dear...they look so pretty! How about a pet swap? lolz. I was crackin up because I didn't even see dom in the pic the first time I read through!

  3. That is so sweet! The last pic is so cute! hehe

  4. I love those little quad's I have them in like every color lol. Their awesome for those days you're in a hurry. I haven't tried those polishes though but they look cute!

  5. Im so glad u liked the goodies I sent...

  6. Sweet of her!! And quad's are alway nice to get!! And funky polish colors!! :D

    Hide n Seek DOM!!!


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