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Chocolate Lipgloss #drugstoremakeup #lipgloss

Winter Sun

Morning Ladies!!!! This post will be all over the place since I am quite sleep deprived, I just can't sleep lately!! This is my updated 5 minute look. It seems that my camera washed out some of the colors, but you can get the general idea from the pictures.

-MUFE 5 Camouflage Cream Palette - No. 3 , Used 2nd color from the right on under eye circles & over pimples
-M.A.C. Mineralize Skinfinish Natural Powder in Medium/Dark
-ELF Blush/Bronzer Duo from their Studio Line-Used the bronzer only on my cheeks.

Eyes I got creative
-MAC MSF Brunette *Applied the middle color all over the lid.*Applied the darkest in the crease. *Applied the lightest color as the highlight
-Physicians Formula Organic wear® 100% Natural Origin Mascara in Ultra Black

-ELF liner from their studio line.
-NYX lip gloss in Natural

And this is what happens when I'm alone in the

I've been quite addicted to You Tube lately, makeup videos of course!! Who are your favorites..??

Happy Thursday!!


  1. I wish my 5 min face came out that pretty! I don't even try to get into color lol. I love the shape of your eyebrows mine are sooo wonky all the time I can't stand it! haha. I'm addicted to youtube also I really love to watch jenissemakeup and p0wp0wbaby.

  2. You look so pretty!!!
    yeah, 5 mins on me would not be that good. I really need to get redhead the time i get to MAC it will be sold out!!!

  3. that look took u 5 min..I dont believe it..u look so pretty...btw I love ur curled locks :D

  4. i like your hair in these pics... yeah i was looking at the blushes, then i seen the palette so i gve it a shot, and i love it.

    yeah the paint by numbers ive always wanted to try lol i actualy seen it on one of my favorite movies "Mona Lisa Smile" lol

  5. Very GORGEOUS!! I've been really loving all your looks!!! 5 mins huh? My 5 mins ones never come out that nice!! LOL!!

    I like Kuuipo1207, askmemakeup, enkore, and of course all you beautiful girls of mine!! :)

  6. 5 mins? that's amazing.. in 5 mins i can put on foundation haha

  7. dang babe! 5 min?!!?!? woow!!! sooo pretty and tahts a good way to get the best of your msf hehe your soo pretty i love love love your last pic! <3


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