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My New Love!!

Herbal Essences Hydralicious Reconditioning Shampoo & Conditioner
for dry hair or damaged hair

This is what the back of the bottle says:

Fused with extracts of shea, moisturizers & hawaiian sea silk
does your hair thirst for more? Take dry, damaged hair to the brink with this thick, smooth drink. My shampoo and conditioner system is a re-hydrating dream of rich, drenching moisture fused with extracts of shea, moisturizers & hawaiian sea silk. I'll give frizz, breakage and dryness a smooth ride to a luscious world where dry and damaged are just a bad dream.

I bought this shampoo and conditioner on a whim, like I always do when I buy shampoos and conditioners. I'm not very loyal when it comes to hair care; yes I do have a few brands I always return to-Redken's, Cibu, and Dove. In the long run though I'm always trying something new. Dare I say--I think I'm done being unfaithful!!!! I honestly didn't bother to compare the bottles in this line and try to figure out why I should pick one over the other, I picked the purple one because that's my favorite color. Smart I

Well I must say I'm glad I picked the purple one!! It's for dry/damaged hair, while my hair isn't damaged this extremely cold weather has made my hair very dry. After one wash I knew I LOVED this set!! The shampoo leaves me hair clean and extremely soft and silky, so silky that I didn't realize that I didn't put on conditioner!! Wow!! That's amazing!! Conditioner is a MUST for me. Well when I did apply the conditioner I was in for a treat!! I've never felt my hair so soft. EVER!!! I didn't even need to comb my hair out after using this! Not one tangle..nothing..nada!! zip!!

Another plus to this set--no frizzies!! This conditioned my hair so well I didn't see even one bit of frizz.

**As a warning I must say that if you're hair is fine, you shouldn't try this. I think this formula may be a bit thick for you.

Do you buy your hair care on a whim or are you a loyal to a particular brand..?


  1. Oooooh great review Tammy! I'd like to try this now!! I've got very thick, dry hair, and am always looking for a nice new shampoo. Plus I'm sure it's very affordable. Thanks!

  2. I was going to buy this the other day but decided to wait because I have so many shampoo's and conditioners I've yet to finish. Once I'm done with some of them though I really wanna try it. I'm kind of a on a whim shopper when it comes to hair care in general and it's also the reading blogs and being totally sold on a product they talk about that influences what I buy too.

  3. hey tams,
    your so sweet! thanks for the offer. how much does it go for ? like $16 i think? even tho little tokyo closed, there is still costa mesa close to me! woot woot!

    btw, how do i add u to my follow blog list? i dont see any icon to click .. sorry im new to this whole blogging thing!! :x

  4. LOL!! Funny lady!!

    I'm a Head&Shoulders shampoo gal myself... then conditioners are whatever's on sale. But every now and then I indulge is some Paul Mitchell!

  5. I buy on a whim or on recommendations. If I stick to one brand too long my hair throws a tantrum!

    Did you find curler thingy??

  6. @Trace--Very affordable!! $3 a bottle.

    @Neeyuh--You should try this. =)

    @Glow--No not yet.. =( They seem to be very expensive everywhere I go..if they're not expensive then they're cheap looking...

  7. I tend to buy my hair care on a whim. I'm not loyal to any specific brand either. I feel like my hair looks its best when I rotate different shampoos. If I use the same one for too long, it gets dull & less bouncy.


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