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Winter Dance Recital #winter #recital #theclique

New Makeup Bag

With the way the economy has been, and the way my 401k is looking I've decided to hold off on buying beauty items that I don't absolutely NEED or that's affordable. This weekend I decided I needed a new makeup bag, the old one was looking gross. While at Target I looked in all of the usual sections for a new one (makeup, stationary--come on you know pencil holders make great makeup cases) and I found nothing. Before leaving I remembered I needed a new lotion for my purse, so I went to the $1 section where they have all of the beauty products in mini and I came across this. It was labeled as a men's travel bag for shaving. I don't care what it's labeled for, it's my new makeup bag and it was only $1! Plus it's shockingly empty for now..only 4 lip products in there instead of my usual

What have you bought on the cheap lately??


  1. omg! i love it!! i love skulls! i even have a skull tatt! lol very cute for $1 i feel ya on that budget thing, its getting tough, especially w me fixing my house now..thats another reason im selling makeup for cheap, cuz ppl are broke lol last cheap thiong i bought was the coast scents powder lol

  2. That's a great deal! I love the $1 section at Target! I'll have to check it out soon. :D


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